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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Health tips. The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss Foods

The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss Foods
1. Eggs
Eggs have gained a reputation for being one of the healthiest diet foods for weight loss. Eggs contain a high amount of healthy protein and fats. Although they were notorious for increasing cholesterol, it has been proven that the correct amount of eggs in the diet promotes weight loss. Having eggs for breakfast also leaves you feeling more satisfied, thus helping avoid overeating.
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2. Green-leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables like spinach, drumstick leaves, fenugreek and mustard leaves are incredibly efficient in promoting weight loss. Being low in calories and high in fiber, these foods provide a feeling of fullness. They are packed with antioxidants and essential minerals which are very healthy in the long run. There are numerous ways to cook these vegetables for weight loss.
3. Chicken Breast
Although meat is high in calories, chicken breast is packed with healthy protein and fats. It is one of the best foods for weight loss. As it is a slice of lean meat, it can help you cut out the need for excess carbohydrates in your food. Increased protein intake helps promote weight loss in an efficient manner.
4. Fish
Fish, when cooked correctly, can be an extremely efficient food to eat for weight loss. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids and is packed with protein and healthy nutrients. Fish can be cooked in a number of ways and is an ideal lean protein to consume for weight loss. It can also provide good amounts of iodine.
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5. Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower have a combination of protein, fibre and low energy density, making it an ideal food for weight loss. Cauliflower, which is especially popular in Indian food, can be used in many recipes and is one of the best Indian foods for weight loss.
6. Nuts
Healthy nuts like almonds, walnuts and pistachios are packed with healthy omega-3 fats and are also high in protein. Snacking on nuts during the day and in between meals is a healthy way to
promote weight loss. Nuts are also filling and can keep you satiated in between meals.
7. Fruits
Fruits like apples, pears, papaya, bananas and oranges have proven to be the best foods for weight loss. As they are packed with nutrients and essential vitamins, they are known to be very healthy, in addition to being tasty. Having a bowl of fruit during the day can promote weight loss and keep you healthy.
8. Whole grains
Substituting your carbohydrates with whole grains is a sure-fire way to boost your weight loss. Whole grains like oats, quinoa and brown rice are very healthy alternatives to white rice and refined wheat. They are packed with fiber, and healthy amounts of protein and are the most popular diet foods. Whole grains are healthy and tasty.
9. Legumes
We often hear our parents and adults saying that legumes like beans and lentils are good for health. They are absolutely right. Black beans and kidney beans can be used in numerous Indian recipes and are great for weight loss. Being high in protein and fiber, they can keep you full for hours.
10. Soups
Soups are a very healthy way to start a meal. Home-cooked soup can include plenty of vegetables and lentils. These provide plenty of nutrients as well as health benefits. Having a small bowl of soup before your meal will provide you with the right nutrients to keep you full and prevent you from overeating.


  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about weight loss. Please keep sharing. Cauliflower Juice Benefits For Disease
